we are commıtted to the UAE herıtage
Our school is proud to announce that we have received a “Good” rating from ADEK for our outstanding implementation and promotion of the UAE National Identity. This recognition reflects our dedication to fostering a deep sense of heritage and pride among our students.

adnoc youth cup champıons!
Our students won the 2023 ADNOC Youth Championship! We are all proud of them.

3rd place in abu dhabi school champions
Our students won the Bronze Medal at 2023 Abu Dhabi School Champions (Basketball). We are proud of our team!

ib schools in numbers
Universities recognize the IB Diploma
IB students worldwide
Years since IB was founded
A recent study shows that Middle Years Programme (MYP) students performed significantly better than students from non-IB schools in the ISA focus areas at several grade levels and finds that there is strong evidence that MYP students perform well academically. MYP students performed particularly well across many grades in Narrative writing, Expository writing and Scientific literacy, and had a notable result for Scientific literacy at grade 10.
A school that values all students’ interests, talents and skills and challenges each learner to reach higher levels of understanding and critical thinking. A school where parents, teachers and staff collaborate to give our students the best. A school whose graduates are accepted into leading universities around the world. A school that values diversity. Welcome to Australian School of Abu Dhabi, IB World School.
Dr. jehan ezzeldın
Assistant Director General

future proof educatıonal technologies
We are proud to provide our students with the most powerful distance and blended learning platform: Microsoft 365 with Microsoft Teams and Microsoft OneNote, the most advanced digital notebook application. Our digital platform helps our students develop skills for future academic and business environments.

I want all our students to achieve their full potential and find success in pursuing life goals. We look forward to welcoming you to be part of our vibrant learning community.
Read the full message.
Waleed bamırny
School Principal
Primary Years Programme (PYP) and Middle Years Programmes (MYP) students performed significantly better than students from non-IB schools in the ISA assessment areas at a number of grade levels. Click to read the research.
As Vice Principal of our IB school, I believe education is a transformative journey that mesmerizes students, sparks curiosity, and unlocks their potential. I am committed to ensuring no student is left behind, providing a supportive environment where every student is valued and challenged to grow.
Read the full message.
somaya noubah
Vice Principal

Ib learners are

Your leadership during the time that my children have attended your school has been remarkable and inspiring. I know many other parents and students feel the same way. Thank you again for your wise and strong leadership.