The MYP is a challenging framework that encourages students to make practical connections between their studies and the real world.
The MYP is a five-year programme, which can be implemented in a partnership between schools, or in several abbreviated (two, three or four year) formats. Students who complete the MYP are well-prepared to undertake the IB Diploma Programme (DP) or Career-related Programme (CP).
Find out more about the MYP.
- MYP at ASAD offers learning across Eight disciplines from grades Six to Eight:
- Language and Literature (Arabic and English)
- Language Acquisition (English and French )
- Mathematics
- Integrated Sciences
- Individuals and Societies (Geography and History)
- Physical Education
- Design
- Arts (Visual Arts, Music and Drama)
- Interdisciplinary Units of work that cover cross-curricular themes encompassing real-world projects and problem-solving;
- An emphasis on teaching skills necessary for lifelong learning;
- MYP at ASAD covers Ministry subjects:
- Social Studies
- Islamic Studies
- Arabic
- MYP at ASAD offers learning across Seven disciplines from grades Nine and Ten:
- Language and Literature (Arabic and English)
- Language Acquisition (English and French )
- Mathematics
- Modular Sciences (Physics, Biology and Chemistry)
- Individuals and Societies (Geography, Commerce and History)
- Design
- Arts (Visual Arts)
- Interdisciplinary units of work that cover cross-curricular themes encompassing real-world projects and problem-solving;
- An emphasis on teaching skills necessary for lifelong learning;
- MYP at ASAD covers Ministry subjects:
- Social Studies
- Islamic Studies
- Arabic
The goal of all our students to become: inquirers and thinkers who are knowledgeable about local and global issues, are caring, risk-takers, balanced, principled, open-minded and are able to communicate in more than one language.

The Middle Years Programme (MYP) is a curriculum framework designed for learners aged 11–16 by the International Baccalaureate (IB). The MYP is a five-year programme, which can be implemented in a partnership between schools or in abbreviated two-, three- or four-year formats.
In an MYP classroom, you’ll notice that the students are at the centre of learning. They are drawing connections between all subject areas, learning is explicitly linked to the world around them, participation in a foreign language is required, and a variety of formal and informal assessments are used to inform teaching and learning.
MYP learning experiences infuse global points of view wherever possible in order to promote understanding of other cultures, an awareness of the human condition and an understanding that there is a commonality of human experience.
The MYP curriculum framework comprises eight subject groups, providing a broad and balanced education for early adolescents. Students take the core courses of language and literature, individuals and societies, mathematics, sciences, physical and health education, language acquisition, arts, and design.
A unique feature of the programme is that it extends the traditional
curriculum to include immersion in four themes—approaches to teaching and approaches to learning, global contexts and concepts. Students also complete a personal project, which is an independent piece of work that may be an essay, an artistic production or another form of expression.
IB World Schools (the only schools authorized to offer IB programmes) are subject to a strict accreditation process monitored by the IB, ensuring that schools provide a high-quality education.
• IB teaching methods and curriculums are research-based and draw from the best educational
practices from systems around the world.
• IB teachers are required to participate in many professional development opportunities to continually promote their awareness of current educational practices and new thinking.
• IB programmes are recognized internationally and ease the educational transition of mobile students so that their education is not adversely affected if their families relocate
All MYP teachers receive professional development in the IB’s approaches to teaching and approaches to learning from certified IB workshop leaders. This is a requirement for IB World Schools implementing the MYP.
In most cases, the MYP requires school-wide implementation and therefore encompasses all students. All teachers who teach in MYP classrooms are required to participate in collaborative planning and reflection to make their teaching practices consistent and to foster a holistic approach to education. A growing body of evidence suggests a positive relationship between teacher collaboration and student achievement. Students who complete the MYP are well-prepared to undertake the IB Diploma Programme or Career-related Programme.
In the final year of the programme, the optional MYP eAssessment provides a balanced and age-appropriate strategy that schools can use to validate student achievement: Students demonstrate their understanding and skills through classroom performance, onscreen final examinations and a personal project conducted over an extended period of time. Students who undertake external assessment are eligible for IB Course Results and the IB MYP Certificate. Find out more about
MYP assessment.
The IB places great value on external validation of its programmes, curriculums and professional development. A recent study found that Middle Years Programme students in a US public school district were more likely to achieve a proficient or advanced performance level on state mathematics and science assessments than their counterparts in five comparison schools. Additional studies on programme impact, quality assurance, programme development and assessment research are available at
The IB is committed to making sure that students in IB programmes meet and exceed local or national standards. With the implementation of any IB programme, schools are required to examine their curriculum carefully to ensure that there is alignment with local, state or national standards. More information on the IB and the Common Core is available at